Our role in the education and training of barristers

Barristers play a vital role in the administration of justice. They must demonstrate a high standard of professional practice to justify the trust placed in them by the public and other professionals.

Our focus in relation to education and training is on setting and maintaining standards at the point of authorisation (ie the award of a first practising certificate). We also ensure barristers maintain their skills and knowledge throughout their careers with Continuous Professional Development (CPD) activities.

The Professional Statement for Barristers  describes the knowledge, skills and attributes required and the minimum standard to which those should be capable of being performed on “day one” of practice. It also underpins our system of training, informing the design and delivery of education and training pathways, including the development of educational materials, learning outcomes and assessments.

The role of the Inns of Court

In addition to the our own regulatory arrangements, we have agreed a Memorandum of Understanding with the Council of the Inns of Court and the Inns to describe their role in the education and training of barristers.

The Inns of Court alone confer the title of barrister through “Call to the Bar” and they make important contributions to the ethical and other professional development of barristers during their training and throughout their careers. The Inns of Court are also responsible for administering fit and proper person checks on admission to an Inn and at the point of Call.

More about the training and education of barristers

Visit our section on the education and qualification of barristers in England and Wales.